December 2007 Newsletter

Tony Handford won the certificate for turning of the month,
Dave Matson won the highly commended certificate
and Pat Hughes received both of the commended certificates.

The November meeting went off really well with a good turnout and some enthusiastic demonstrations by club members.

Tony Handford was working on a couple of his big bowls and hollow forms taking the time to talk about what he was doing when anyone watching had a question to ask.
Norman Smithers was busy turning bangles, surrounded by several onlookers who could see that they are a good sales item at a craft fair. He was finishing them by spraying on a clear lacquer.
Michael Fryer turned up with his own lathe and showed us all that he is coming on well with his turning and can make the shavings fly as well as anyone.
Pat Hughes was demonstrating turning a multi centre bud vase that was also hollowed out to take a candle as well. Pat calls himself tight fisted, I say he is inventive. He showed us several tools he had made using scrap that other people had thrown away. Bits of metal tubes and rod, blunt planer blades (he uses these to make cutters that cost pounds to buy) and many others that in hindsight I should have photographed and didn’t.

Dave Reeks was there for the morning so we still had a professional to judge the entries for this month. The certificates went to Tony Handford, Dave Matson and Pat Hughes.

Our next meeting is on December 8th and Jimmy Clewes will spend the day with us. Jimmy has visited us before and I am sure everyone agrees that his demonstrations are not to be missed. So let’s finish 2007 with lots of bums on seats!

A list of demonstrators for next year is now on the events page.

Many thanks.

Back Page notices

Renewal of membership

It’s that time of year again to break open the piggy bank and renew your membership. We announced at the extraordinary general meeting in September that it would go up to £15. Joint membership will be £15 plus £7.50 for the second person. Please return your subscriptions with the completed form as soon as possible and those who prefer to pay cash by the January meeting at the latest so that I can produce the directory and your membership cards in time for them to be included with your February newsletter.